Our activities

Our jobs are within the scope of mechanical tests by applying dynamic loads (fatigue and vibration), thermal cycling, finite element studies and research and development of space technology.

The aim of our services is the rating and / or certification of specific products in order to meet current quality requirements. Thus, we have carried out various tasks such as measurements and mechanical tests, all normalized by national or international standards, in various materials, components and finished products.

Work for different industry areas such as aeronautics, space, automotive, electrical components and general industry.

1994-2018 - Unidad de Investigación, Desarrollo, Extensión y Transferencia G.E.M.A - gema@ing.unlp.edu.ar
Tel: +54 221 424-4851 ó 425-8911 int 145 - Calle 116 y 48 - La Plata - Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA